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Different Dynastys

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lady Jane Grey, Queen for 9 days


Lady Jane's fate was bad from the start.
Early Life:
Jane was the eldest daughter of Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk and Lady Frances Brandon. She was born at Bradgate Park in Leicestershire in October of 1536. Lady Frances was the neice of Henry VIII. Jane had two younger sisters, one being Lady Cathrine and the other being Lady Mary Grey. Jane studied Latin, Greek, and Hebrew with John Aylmer. She became a comitted Protastant because of her father's strong belifs. Jane preffered studying at home rather than the continuing hunting parties.
Marrige To Dudley: Jane married Guildford Dudley by order of her father and Guildford's father.
On 21 May 1553, the couple was married. Shortly afterwards, Edward VI died. he pronounced Jane his heir, removing Mary and Elizabeth from the throne line. Jane's parents pushed her to be Queen, so she had no other chose but other than to do so. Most people say she did not truly want to be queen. She was the famous queen for nine days. Image of Lord Guildford. (left)
Image of Lady Jane. (Left)
Death: Jane and Guildford were both beheaded. Mary I (Bloody Mary) Executed Jane because Jane was Queen before her, technically. And also because Mary wanted to marry Philip of Spain and in order to do so, Philip wanted Jane dead. So she died.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I guess jealousy, deceit and greed have truly been human traits from the very beginning of time. Why would Jane meet this fate though? I am sure some other nation would have given her shelter.
